125 - How To Calculate ROI

34 Просмотры
Plain and simple, you have to have the courage to raise your prices. With the cost of service and supplies going up with inflation, knowing how to price yourself and knowing how to calculate your ROI (return on investment) is essential. If you can’t measure what your efforts are doing, then you can’t manage your business. Listen to our short episode to really get the bottom of attribution and see the tangible results you’re seeing in your business.

Show Notes
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Inflation Is Everywhere
02:30 - Is This Worth It?
03:30 - Why You Need To Track Your Data
07:03 - Understanding ROI &Margins
07:20 - Total Marketing Spend/Ad ROI spend
08:30 - Why Does It Matter?
09:23 - Marketing Is An Investment, Not An Expense
09:37 - Tracking, Systems & Habits
12:30 - Knowing Your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
14:06 - Calculating The Lifetime Value
16:12 - ROI In Your Company
17:50 - Outro

Quotable Moments

“You’re seeing it across the board – the cost of business is just getting way more expensive and everything is going up.” – Martin
“If you want to calculate your ROI, it’s pretty easy to calculate numbers. However, if you really want to find attribution, you need to have good data.” – Khalil
“If you don’t measure, then you can’t manage it.” – Martin
“Do you want to track exactly where a lead came from? You can with good data and good attribution.” – Martin

More from Khalil
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More from Martin
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-holland-7318aa16/
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Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annealbusiness/

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